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(More customer reviews)Pat and I shared the same doctor, the same hospital the same "first cut" experience @ the same time and from the same spring practice football injury. We both entered Vanderbilt in 1966 with a football scholarship and began our new gladiator life buried in the dry sunburnt southern dirt and covered with muddy and steaming 100 degree sweat in the oppressive August heat. Wallowing in pain from 2-a-day exhaustion, we both learned the Civil War was still being fought on these southern battlefields. Massive culture shock exploded our northern beliefs and we both realized that observation and quiet smiles hid our true feelings from the murading red neck crusaders trying to figure out if we were on their side or not. Pat was an intellectual, a writer and thinker and I was an artist. Both of us tried very hard to avoided being discovered so we could pursue our adolescent NFL dreams of glory and maintain our sensitivity. 40 years later after following different paths, we reconnected by dying and coming back to life. Our journey to the other side was another shared explosion of consciousness and enlightenment. We both found freedom through death and are again united in life. Pat's words are golden and his destiny is to educate, entertain and move mountains. Tom Wuchina
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Reflecting on the current suffering of former NFL football players, Pat Toomay recalls the cataclysmic events of his first knee surgery and the light he encountered in the darkest of depths.
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