Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I wanted to rate this 3 1/2 stars.
This book would be great for someone who does Sidetracked Home Executives or FlyLady (licensed to use their system, adding her own touches to it), as it breaks tasks down for you into really basic steps, room by room. The travel lists and the tip list in the back are very good.
What I didn't like about this book:
Spends an entire chapter on basements, which many people do not have. Also discusses attics, same thing. And, you shouldn't be using them for storage of lots of things anyway, if they have any potential as proper living space.
Some of the advice seemed rather arbitrary in nature, especially as far as the paperwork organization. Not everybody organizes in the same way (e.g., some prefer color-coding as opposed to straight alphabetization). So, this is a "how to organize HER way book", as opposed to organization books that offer many different ways to go about it.
This would have been much better in an 8 1/2 by 11 inch format, instead of the 5 1/2 by 8 1/2 format. Constantly turning pages for the lists was annoying.
There was a high degree of repetition of the basics and list headings, which took up space, and the little pencil logos would have been better replaced by a line to put a check mark on.
This is a good book for those who need a "just tell me what to do" approach. If you want a bit more flexibility in your organizational choices, this book still has some good advice, but you might also want to read Peter Walsh's books as well.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Help I'm Knee-Deep in Clutter: Conquer the Chaos and Get Organized Once and For All
In the bedroom, it's clothes. In the laundry room, it's cleaning supplies. And in the basement, it's old cartons filled with who knows what! Virtually everyone has trouble getting organized, and whether it's a matter of devising a system for all the dishes in the kitchen, or all the papers in the study, the task can often seem overwhelming. This sanity-saving book provides simple solutions for getting things under control immediately and permanently, and proves that getting organized doesn't have to be hard...if you have a plan of attack.
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