Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I love anatomy books --- especially the ones that tell me what muscles I work doing certain exercises or movements. To the already impressive lineup of anatomy books put out by this exceptional fitness publisher is now added Pilates Anatomy by Rel Isacowitz and Karen Clippinger.
Pilates Anatomy presents a visual perspective on correct alignment, posture, and movements. You'll get an inside view of your workout. It includes 213 illustrations with 96 in full-color and step-by-step instructions for 46 of the most effective mat exercises for building a stronger, more articulate body.
The contents include:
Chapter 1. Six Key Principles of Pilates
Chapter 2. Spine, Core, and Body Alignment
Chapter 3. Muscles, Movement Analysis, and Mat Work
Chapter 4. Foundation for a Mat Session
Chapter 5. Abdominal Work for Movement and Stabilization
Chapter 6. Fine Articulation for a Flexible Spine
Chapter 7. Bridging for a Functional Spine
Chapter 8. Side Exercises for an Effective Core
Chapter 9. Extensions for a Strong Back
Chapter 10. Customizing Your Pilates Program
The book has great instructions on how to do each exercise and what muscles are being worked. Several views are included -- the start position, the movement and a larger graphic showing the muscles worked.
The execution of the exercise is provided step-by-step. The targeted muscles are described along with the accompanying muscles. In addition, technique cues are given along with important exercise notes and additional graphics when needed to provide a full explanation.
This book is priceless in planning your palates workout. It's a must-have guide and I highly recommend it to you.
-- Susanna K. Hutcheson
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