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(More customer reviews)My aunt (a flourishing over-50 yoga devotee) recently sent me (a very stiff 33-year old beginner) a copy of Suza Francina's marvelous book, The New Yoga for People Over 50. I previously acquired Mira Mehta's authoritative How to Use Yoga, which I find quite instructive and aspire to begin using (yoga isn't as easy as it looks, folks!). However, I don't believe anything could inspire me as much as seeing and reading the testimonials of so many over-50 yoga practitioners in Francina's book; their execution of some of the more challenging postures is absolutely mind-altering!
Francina's book and her work in general are truly a blessing. Bolstered by the knowledge The New Yoga for People Over 50 has given me I have begun "converting" my mother, who frequents the weight machines at the gym. She is a fit and vibrant 54-year old, but her hectic lifestyle, which includes a six-day work week (she owns a business) needs the addition of yoga to ensure her health and longevity.
This book is a wonderful, invaluable tool for everyone, regardless of age. I hope to catch up with Francina's octogenarian students within a few years! With Francina and her students as examples, I expect I will do just that - and anyone who reads this book will be motivated to set a similar goal: feel better and live longer with yoga!
Click Here to see more reviews about: The New Yoga for People Over 50: A Comprehensive Guide for Midlife and Older Beginners
Many seniors are searching for ways to improve their quality of life and remain active as they enter midlife and later years. Nationwide, people are recognizing yoga for its ability to slow down and reverse the aging process. A complete health system, yoga not only restores vitality to the body, but also expands the mind and soul. Yoga transforms the years after 50 from a time of deterioration to one of increased perspective and illumination.In The New Yoga for People Over 50, readers will learn how the health of the spine and posture affect every sustem of the body, and how yoga positions and breathing exercises benefit the circulatory system, the heart and other vital organs, relieve menopausal symptoms, and remove stiffness and inertia from the body. In this comprehensive guide, Iyengar yoga expert Suza Francina describes and illustrates how to begin and maintain a yoga program through personal stories and over 100 easy-to-follow instructional photos of older teachers and students.
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