Flexing Your Soul: Moving with Energy and Consciousness Review

Flexing Your Soul: Moving with Energy and Consciousness
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Did you know your Soul has arms and legs? And a neck and a back? And fingers and toes? A face and eyes and tongue and feet?
Most of us don't. We are trapped in the amber of age-old duality of mind vs body, feelings vs thoughts and Soul vs everything else already mentioned. Most discussions around the Soul are a variety of "Do we have one or not?" Imagine that! We are like monkeys chattering away about whether bananas grow on trees or trees grow out of bananas.
We don't just have a soul. We are one. We don't have a body, our body has us. As many of us are beginning to see, the Cartesian distinctions between various aspects of our being are not only silly, they are disorienting and harmful. They keep us in a tight, small place that is confining, constricting and deadening-often literally.
The new book, "Flexing Your Soul" by authors Jalieh Milani and Alessandra Shepard goes a long way to bring us back to our senses-all six of them! And gently and refreshingly--and with fun to boot--helps us reclaim all of who we are as human beings in a simple, step-by-step and enjoyment-filled manner.
This straightforward book brims with simple and amazing things to do with your body, not to your body. It brings exercise up out of the physical fitness category into a spiritual practice of psychic and emotional wholeness. These "Dances with Self" help us inhabit more of the 70 trillion cells that make up our presence in the physical plane.
"Wish I had the time to do something like this!" is a common response to genuine self-care. Many of the techniques to step into yourself more fully presented here take only a few moments and can be done anywhere.
Behind the step-by-step exercises outlined in easy-to-follow photographs is the astonishing liberating power of Core Energetics, founded by John Pierrakos MD. This awareness tool frees up blocked energy and feelings trapped in layers of muscular armoring and emotional defense with breath-taking ease and breath-giving results.
Core Energetics helps restore vitality, strengthens our sense of who we are (and who we are not!), restores our natural ability to feel pleasure, rejuices our chi and can activate healing of a host of ailments that are related to blocked energy and that great silent killer, stagnation.
And best of all, you can do it yourself-or with a partner, or with your kids. The movements are about as complicated as getting out of your TV chair and going to the kitchen for more chips and dip, with infinitely healthier results.
What is becoming more and more clear is that inactivity is the enemy of health--physical, emotional and spiritual. A number of recent studies have proven that exercise is often as effective as medication in giving relief from depression.
Core Energetics isn't just exercise, however. It's a way of allowing yourself to be more alive, more free, more whole than you can imagine. Jalieh and Alessandra's book is poetry for the body, a songbook for Being.
Most of us lead very busy lives that leave us breathless and tired, and yet the root cause of our fatigue is not that we do too much, but that we aren't doing what will give us the very energy and vitality we are so hungry for.
"Flexing Your Soul" is a recipe for just that-an authentic pause that refreshes body, mind, heart and Spirit by bringing us into an experience of being more alive, awake and expressive in ways that are energizing and de-Light-full.

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Flexing Your Soul offers a unique way to become truly present in one's body and to realize your full potential. The book offers practical exercises that work to release the natural energy of the body while integrating the body, heart, mind, and spirit. The result is an increase in energy, awareness, and health. A unique form of exercises that incorportate the chakras and all systems of the body. They can be practiced alone or with a partner and by people at any level of fitness or awareness.

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