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(More customer reviews)"Get Off Your Knees And Pray" was an awesome book. Sheila draws from her experiences as a mother and life to share insights that God has given to her about prayer and why it is so important to our Christian Life. Some times we as Christians make prayer more than it is and that can kill our motivation to pray. Sheila, through humor and honesty, challenges our faultily thoughts on the subject and shares how God has changed her perspective. She also talks about why God sometimes does not answer. This is a an awesome book and I would highly recommend it to you! I have been a Sheila Walsh fan since the 80's and so I try to read her books and I can say this one is one of my favorites. Check it out. You will not be sorry! I would also recommend any of her other great books as well.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Get Off Your Knees and Pray: A Woman's Guide to Life-Changing Prayer
We know we can talk to God, but it just sounds so important, so intimidating, so religious. We assume that only the very spiritual hear from Him directly. But author Sheila Walsh says "Every sound we utter, every thank you we say, every tear we cry in God's presence is prayer." Get Off Your Knees and Pray is a real woman's guide to real prayer-from understanding the biblical basis for prayer to cultivating a vital personal relationship with God. It is the perfect blend of practical advice, personal stories, and biblical truth to encourage and help you achieve greater intimacy with God through prayer. Prayer is not just a few sentences we say to God while on our knees. It is living out our ongoing, every-moment commitment to God."Sheila steers us away from prayer as formula (say the right things the right way and God responds) and toward prayer as picture-a picture of God's desired relationship. Talking. Listening. Trusting. Living. This volume, warm and witty like its author deserves a spot on every reading calendar."-Max Lucado, best-selling author and minister"No matter what kind of difficulty you have about prayer, this book willhelp. Sheila has experienced all of them, and she will take you through themto where God has taken her: straight into His very real and acceptingPresence." -Dr. Henry Cloud, speaker and coauthor of Boundaries
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