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(More customer reviews)The Miracle Ball Method: Relieve Your Pain, Reshape Your Body, Reduce Your Stress [2 Miracle Balls Included] is a method of pain relief developed by Elaine Petrone after struggling with her own terrible back pain. The key for her, and no doubt many, proved to be proper breathing and decreased muscle tension. Soooo...
The Goal: reduce muscle tension that's causing the pain
The Formula: Weight + Breathing = Release of Tension
How Accomplished: Lay on one or more of the balls in a specified spot
(although the book encourages you to experiment),
breathe properly, and relax. The ball is just a tool to
help you feel the weight of your body.
Don't be turned off by the fact that the book is over 200 pages long- after a brief introduction and a short section on breathing, the vast majority of the book is made up of pictures showing you exactly how to do the exercises. Additionally, its a tiny book and therefore has short paragraphs on each page.
I would have to say that this book will likely benefit many people with chronic pain. Muscle tension is either the major cause of a lot of pain, or at least present due to another cause. Either way, treating muscle tension and learning how to relax will take a big bite out of your pain. Readers with arthritis in their back might also be interested in Treat Your Own Spinal Stenosis. Good luck!
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Take two-they're small. And they perform miracles. Suffering a career-ending, potentially crippling injury to her back and right leg, a young dancer named Elaine Petrone tried everyone from orthopedists to yogis to turn her pain and prognosis around. Nothing worked-until she healed herself through a unique program of therapy and exercise based around the use of two small, squishy balls. From there she turned her passion into a mission that is helping the thousands of people who visit her classes conquer pain, stress, and injury.Now, for relief for sufferers everywhere, comes The Miracle Ball Method, a healing kit containing two miracle balls and a fully illustrated book, all packaged together in an attention-getting clear plastic cylinder. The work itself is simple. Take a sore back: By resting your aching back on the grapefruit-sized balls and letting your body sink into them, you're unworking the muscles that hurt. Pain and tension drain out of the body. Petrone shows how proper breathing (which she demonstrates) works in conjunction with a range of unexercises that call for placing the balls under the back, head, knees, hip, elbow-wherever there's pain-and then resting, rolling, or rotating on them. She points out that relief can come in surprising ways: Lower back pain may be helped by placing the ball under your neck, or a bad knee might be helped by hip work. It's a revolutionary program of relief, from head to toe.
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