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(More customer reviews)Phil Giles's "Street Tough" system is a rough-and-tumble system based in part on scientific boxing, sport jujutsu, and MMA. He simply takes these various elements out of the ring and on to the street. The emphasis is on full-contact, live training and realistic drills. He begins with "Fundamental Fighting Concepts", introducing the clinch, the shoot-style takedown, clinching against a wall, weak points of the human anatomy (differentiating between lethal and non-lethal targets), drills for closing the distance vs. punching and kicking, and even a little on pre-emptive striking. The second section is "Street Boxing Concepts", and includes the basic position, how to generate power, and a basic arsenal of tools including both open-hand and fisted techniques, and the headbutt. His explainations of the use of his stance and the medical justification for not excluding the headbutt are worth reading. The third chapter is on "Mobility and Defense". He goes over basic footwork from his stance, and moves on to defensive body movements like the slip, and simple, scientific defensive techniques like the catch and Driscoll parry and Driscoll bridge. He includes examples of their usage and some drills for improving both footwork and defense. Covering almost sixty pages, his chapter on "Ground Fighting" is the longest. He starts off by stating that going to the ground is not desirable most of the time in a streetfight (good advice if I've ever heard it), and then proceeds to discuss the various groundfighting positions. He gives the reader several offensive options for each position, and usually some accompanying drills. He always reminds the reader that "dirty tactics" (biting and gouging) should be utilized whenever possible. He also includes striking for downed opponents, getting back to the feet from the ground, taking down an opponent from the "open guard", and various training drills. My only objection to this section is that, at least in the States, kicking a downed opponent is considered excessive and will most likely result in criminal charges being made. Overall, though, this is a very good book. The only thing that might be missing is basic weapons usage and defense. The techniques are very basic and essential, and the training seems quite practical. They seem very compatible with Jun Fan and BJJ/MMA. I'd recommend it to anyone wanting to learn to fight, either for self-protection or even for sport/MMA.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Street Tough, Hard-Core, Anything Goes Street Fighting Fundamentals
In this book, Phil Giles provides full-throttle instruction in how to prevail in a street or bar fight, from the proper combat mind-set to the first stand-up blows to when the fight gets down and dirty on the ground.This is some of the most aggressive self-defense training you are ever likely to receive, including the best ways to close with an opponent to smother his attack, how to slam someone up against a wall and really go to work on him, and vicious ground fighting tactics that will make an opponent instantly realize that he made a very bad mistake when he decided to assault you.A series of intense training drills performed at full power and full speed sets the Street Tough program apart from all other self-defense regimens.
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