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(More customer reviews)Book Description
This book makes up for the lack of literature on this fascinating combat art of wrestling Sambo of the former Soviet Union, which is gaining increasing popularity particularily between no holds barred fighters and self protection experts in general. This book is suitable for all people, starting from beginners, enthusiasts, and finishing with experienced athletes, also it is a strong guide for martial arts trainers, grappling and wrestling coaches and no holds barred fighters.
Recommendations and 89 actions, including 44 throws, takings down, sweeps, 23 submission techniques, 11 holdings down in ground work, 11 over turnings, presented in the book, equips people with adequate skills, qualifying them to be much mentally, physically, emotionally stronger and confident in real combat street situations and even for participation in important tournaments and competitions.
From the Author
I am writing in response to the reviews of my book. I welcome all comments both positive and negative, but am disappointed when criticism comes from not carefully reading the contents of the book.
This is not a book to read once but studied and referred back to time and again. This book is a technical manual to learn and develop the techniques of Wrestling Sambo, techniques that have been very successfully used in real combat situations.
This is not a book on pure sport technique, if you look to chapter 3 Submissions, p95, p96 and p102, you can clearly see that these techniques can never be used in any kind of competition. You must first learn and master these techniques like any other activity, like for example golf you don't expect to master just because you picked up a club, it takes practise and study till you really began to appreciate and love the game.
As I state at the beginning of the book p.11, this book is a small but important step into the combat art of Wrestling Sambo, opening your eyes to this fascinating art of wrestling and that you begin to get your first taste of it. This is a secret art because there is very little literature on the history or techniques of Wrestling Sambo, hence the title.
More techniques such as neutralizing your opponent when all kinds of strikes, punches and submissions are involved will be covered in following video as there is more than enough techniques to learn and conquer in the book, only having mastered them will you be ready to take on such things and be in my way of thinking. These techniques take a much longer time to master than other martial arts techniques for self-defence like all kind of strikes to the groin, flicks to the eyes, slaps to the Ears all kinds of strikes to the knee etc, and still you have to practise them hundreds of times to succeed. You can read more about this in p138 of the book.
I would like to make a more direct comment to someone who reviewed my book. The comment about the pictures on street grappling, it is clearly stated p133, that these pictures are for your own imagination and that I would not be explaining them. I gave a short description of how to use wrestling Sambo in general in the street. The last comment about the pictures is that me, grabbing and throwing a guy is not self-defence, I don't know how an opponent feels when you are smashing him against a wall, car or pavement to protect yourself, or that a hold that basically dislocates or tears the ligaments of both your opponents elbows is not self defence.
So when you have learnt everything from the book, including 44 throws, takings down and sweeps, 23 submission techniques, 11 holdings down, 11 over turnings in ground work you will be ready for the deep explanation of how to use all Sambo Wrestling techniques for real self protection in street situations.
Thank you for all comments and good luck to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Click Here to see more reviews about: Wrestling Sambo: The Secret Combat Art of the Former Soviet Union for Special Forces and Real Self Protection
This book makes up for the lack of literature on thisfascinating combat art of wrestling Sambo of the former Soviet Union, which is gainingincreasing popularity particularily between no holds barred fighters and self protectionexperts in general. This book is suitable for all people, starting from beginners,enthusiasts, and finishing with experienced athletes, also it is a strong guide formartial arts trainers, grappling and wrestling coaches and no holds barred fighters.Recommendations and 89 actions, including 44 throws, takings down,sweeps, 23 submission techniques, 11 holdings down in ground work, 11 over turnings,presented in the book, equips people with adequate skills, qualifying them to be muchmentally, physically, emotionally stronger and confident in real combat streetsituations and even for participation in important tournaments and competitions.
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