Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Upon purchasing this book I was able to resolve several of my most nagging golf swing faults , i.e. slicing, topping and fat shots. I now have more confidence in my game and see the results in the form of lower scores. I would highly recommend purchasing another of Mr. Leadbetters books titled "The Fundamentals of Hogan". When used in conjunction these books are a solid referance/teaching tool that should help most golfers improve thier game. Information in one title can be found in the other but The Fundamentals of Hogan goes more in depth and is a solid starting point whereas Faults and Fixes is a troubleshooting guide for when the "basics" arent working. Overall I would say that both books are an indespesible addition to any golfers library! Happy golfing !
Click Here to see more reviews about: David Leadbetter's Faults and Fixes: How to Correct the 80 Most Common Problems in Golf
Learn from David Leadbetter,the pro who teaches the pros
Solutions to 80 of the most common problem areas in golf
Drills and exercises specially designed to cure even the most persistent faults
Full color illustrations to take you step-by-step through your grip and swing
A unique instruction package that will enable you to identify the weaknesses in your game -- and then systematically eliminate them!
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