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(More customer reviews)The compelling life-story of Native American Indian, Darrell New Plenty Stars begins in Vietnam, 1971, where Mr. New Plenty Stars - descendant of Oglala Lakota warriors, including Great Grandfather, Red Fish, who fought against Custer at the battle of the Little Big Horn and won - served two tours of duty. He had since left the most poverty-stricken, Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota where much blood of his people had already been spilled over sacred land ownership, human dignity rights and cultural massacre through means of every type of evil imaginable wielded by illegal immigrants.
The descendant of truest warriors, Darrell staked himself to the ground during one battle in Vietnam in a no-flee stance in order to fight for his country with all of his heart. The only survivor to be found, his body and clothing were so riddled with damage, he was mistaken for an enemy soldier due to the color of his skin. Cared for in a ward set aside for enemy prisoners, fighting for his consciousness and life, the identify and health of Mr. New Plenty Stars was eventually discovered and recovered.
Back at the barracks, Mr. New Plenty Stars is framed for a murder by a group of outlaw soldiers.
This is only the very beginning of an interesting book that moves at a fast pace, covering the main events of Mr. New Plenty Star's life.
Included is a first-hand account of the infamous Wounded Knee stand-off in the early 1970s that began when corrupt tribal president, Dick Wilson and other half-breeds sold uranium-rich reservation lands to the government and tried to bully the pure-blooded traditionalists into adopting white customs and ways in order to finally be accepted on equal footing as whites. In addition to murders of innocent traditionalists within the reservation, when the branches of government joined in, only the government's side of the story was told while atrocities against the Lakota people were hushed up. Murders of the many Oglala Lakotas, including women and children - just as in the past - were never brought to justice while leaders of the American Indian Movement were jailed. (Leonard Peltier remains unjustly imprisoned to this day - another example of the outrageous imbalance against the Native people of America.)
The most incredible part of Mr. New Plenty Star's story is how, in the midst of his fighting and drinking days, he was led to God and a completely changed life when he became a Christ-follower. He and his wife, Rose, went to Bible school and served in many churches. Even outside of church walls, Mr. New Plenty Stars finds those in need and continues to help.
Living through many trials and tests of faith, the New Plenty Stars turned them into the gift of spiritual maturity.
Completely honest and candid, this book is a rare glimpse into some of the conditions Native American Indians live through. It is also a fine testimony of the power of God.
Thank you for this important book, Mr. New Plenty Stars. And thank you as well, Ms. Evans for helping the story come to life.
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From the Flames of Wounded Knee to the Center of God's WillIn grade school most of us learned about Manifest Destiny with the unspoken implication it was God's will that Whites should displace the native peoples. We rarely heard the gruesome details of 'this American Holocaust. But racial genocide is not just the destruction of an oppressed people. It is an attack upon unnumbered families, each with its own very personal story of suffering. 'Twelve-year-old Red Fish narrowly survived the Wounded Knee Massacre, the painful legacy later lived on in the experiences of his grandson nearly a century later. Darrell New Plenty Star's riveting story of endurance, courage, bitterness, and redemption transcends ethnic boundaries while detailing the transforming power of God in healing a wounded soul.-Professor Paul A. Miller, Founding Director, The GRAMCORD InstituteI've known Darrell and Rose for years. He has quietly spoken of his experiences but this book relates many more I have not heard. It speaks of injustice without malice, recounting happenings that most of us would have handled more defensively. I have long marveled at Darrell's complete trust in the One who changed his life and gave him a new heart and mind. What an example. And Shirlee Evans has helped him capture on paper the essence of it all.-David L. Gowan, American's Mission International, Distributor of Native Scripture ProductsAbandoned as an infant on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, wounded in Vietnam, charged with murder-Darrell New Plenty Stars returned to South Dakota consumed with anger just in time for the 1973 Wounded Knee standoff led by the American Indian Movement. Found by the Lord on a cold snowy night Darrell has spent the rest of his life as a pastor. Today, in semi retirement, this descendent of past Sioux warriors, continues pointing lost souls to the Lord Jesus he now serves.
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