Yoga for Arthritis: The Complete Guide Review

Yoga for Arthritis: The Complete Guide
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Get this book if you have arthritis, would like to try some exercise for it, and like yoga. Well, even if you don't like yoga, there are a lot of reasons to try it- such as it's safe and gentle, and you can do it in the privacy of your own home. A few of the things I liked best...
-the book is about yoga for people with "arthritis"-whether you have rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or even a form of arthritis known as ankylosing spondylitis. This is what makes this book so good- it works for all the different types.
-the book is written in layman's terms. The book does go into some technical explanations about what arthritis is and explains how the joints work at the beginning of each chapter- but not to worry, its all very understandable
-the book's about an inch thick which is mainly because of its numerous pictures of all the exercises- which is a big plus for visual learners like me
-chapters are arranged by body part, for example the shoulders, the wrist and hand, etc., so no arthritic area is left out. Chapter 5 is an "All-Stars" chapter that contains a generalized program if you don't want to focus on one specific area(s).
All-in-all its just a very well-rounded, complete book that is really well-written and illustrated. If you've got arthritis, I can tell you you're going to feel a lot better when you get those joints working better, and this book can certainly help you do that. Other helpful arthritic books I liked include Treat Your Own Knee Arthritis.

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A comprehensive, user-friendly medicalyoga program designed formanagement and prevention ofarthritis.
Arthritis restricts movement; yoga increasesrange of motion: these two were made for eachother. Arthritis is the leading cause ofdisability in this country, limiting everydayactivities for more than seven millionAmericans. Drugs, surgeries, and steroids canalleviate some of the discomforts, but studyafter study has shown that exercise is mostbeneficial to most forms of arthritis,specifically low-impact, flexibility-enhancingexercises-hence, yoga. In this comprehensive and thoroughly illustrated guide, Loren Fishman andEllen Saltonstall, who between them have sevendecades of clinical experience, help readersunderstand arthritis and give a spectrum ofexercises for beginners and experts. Broken down into chapters focusing on each major joint, there are 100 classical yoga poses and numerousimaginative and physiologically sound adaptedposes, all with step-by-step instructions andeasy-to-follow photo demonstrations. The authors welcome readers into the philosophy andprinciples of yoga and show how to use yoga tofind lasting relief from arthritis. 400+ illustrations

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