Women's Soccer: Using Science to Improve Speed Review

Women's Soccer: Using Science to Improve Speed
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I saw this book first when originally searching for some of the Russian texts translated by Dr. Yessis. Over the years, he has contributed greatly in getting many resources into the mainstream. I was mainly interested due to the specific nature of it's subject area. I assumed it would go into detail on the Q-angle and other gender specific issues. Now while these topics are covered, they are skimmed over, and the majority of the book is dominated by photos and descriptions of movement mechanics.
I feel this book is caught between two places. The techniques and topics covered would be most suitable for coaches and trainers, while the language is obviously aimed at the player themselves. This leads the author to over simplify some important concepts and principles.
Nevertheless, Dr. Yessis does draw attention to important points in developing the soccer athlete, and the diagrams and descriptions may be useful to some people. If you are looking to construct an extensive library specifically on soccer training, then it is may be worth getting. There are some cheap second hand copies out there on Amazon, and new it is not expensive. However, for most people, I would recommend you look to the Ian Jeffreys book, or a non-soccer specific speed text.
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