Bullet-Proof Abs: 2nd Edition of Beyond Crunches Review

Bullet-Proof Abs: 2nd Edition of Beyond Crunches
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Before purchasing this book, I carefully considered the negative comments registered about it here on Amazon.com. The negative comments claim that it's an "infomercial marketing the Pavelizer.
Nonetheless, the positive statements finally won me over and I ordered it.
Now let's see how many pages are devoted to marketing. The body of the book (ending with part 5) totals 113 pages. The advertisements for his other books come after that 113 pages. Of that 113 pages, 8 pages are devoted to pictures and text that focus on the pavelizer. That's around seven percent of the book.
Keep in mind that, he does show you how to do the Janda situps without the machine but with assistance from a partner. The pavelizer is for those people who dont have a training partner. Fair enough.
Even if we skipped the Janda situps altogether, we would still be left with 80-85 pages of other exercises which do not rely on the pavelizer. Some of these exercises are very innovative and the ones I have tried so far are winners.
I do not have the background in physiology to argue one way or the other regarding Pavel's low opinions of crunches. But I am sick of crunches and dont want to do them anyway, so it's a moot question for me!
On the other hand, it is fair to say that such a short book should not be so expensive: $34.95 is too much for a book this short. I bought a used copy for about $20 bucks. The information in the book is worth 5 stars, but because of the expense, I lower the rating to 4 stars.

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Discover How to Gain Maximum Muscle-Strength in Minimum Time, Using Breakthrough Techniques That Blow the Roof Off Traditional Ab Exercises.As a former Soviet Union Special Forces conditioning coach Pavel Tsatsouline already knew a thing or two about how to create bullet-stopping abs. Since then, he has combed the world to pry out this select group of primevally powerful ab exercises-guaranteed to yield the fastest, most effective results known to man. According to Pavel, "Crunches belong on the junk pile of history, next to Communism. 'Feeling the burn' with high reps is a waste of time!"Save yourself countless hours of unrewarding, if not useless-if not damaging-toil.Get with the program. Make fast gains and achieve blistering, rock-hard abs now.Fry your abs without the spine-wrecking, neck-jerking stress of traditional crunches-using this radical situp designed by the world's leading back and muscle function expert, Professor Janda, from Czechoslovakia.No one-but no one-has ever matched Bruce Lee's ripped-beyond-belief abs. What was his favorite exercise? Here it is. Now you can rip your own abs to eye-popping shreds and reclassify yourself as superhuman.When it came to wanting titanium abs yesterday, the Soviet Special Forces didn't believe in delayed gratification. Pavel gave them what they wanted. If you want abs that'll put you in the world's top one percent, this cruel and unusual drill does the trick.

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